Friday, November 22, 2013

Captivating action is the means to procrastination

Many people often fall victim of resolving issues just by thinking about them, captivating act is
the means to countering such tribulations and if you see yourself going through this kind of setup,
then know that procrastination is taking a dig on you. 

To make this whole subject more remarkable i would propose that i define what procrastination means.
According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, in psychology, procrastination refers to the act
of replacing high priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to
a later time.

Considering this description, do you often find yourself “fiddling around” when you know you should be working, studying or doing something more than “fiddling around”? If so,chances are very good you are procrastinating. What would one do when they become typical of this horrible conduct? I would suggest that they stop, " talk the walk but rather walk the talk,” so as to get out to this. This is especially the case with regard to self-help, just thinking about things that trouble you, but not taking action to change them is likely to be effective. 

Even though it is ineffective, the tendency to just think about things that trouble you and avoid taking action to address them is so common that other multiple names which go along with procrastination have been developed to describe it, including “intellectualization”, “rumination” just to name but a few.

Keeping away from intriguing action on troubles is not an effective or useful strategy for self-help because at the end of the day nothing happens when you do this except that your thoughts go round and round hence Eva Young argues that, “To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.”

Young’s submission on this subject is a “Stop Planning and Get Started Now” tip, taking into account that each plan, operation or procedure ought to be designed out with an objective in mind but a lot of over thinking and over-planning can be nonconstructive since there is no such thing as a “great preparation” so sketch out a plan and get on track now.

Distress and meditation not including action require an essential component required for forward motion and optimistic change. A bicycle cannot move on its own unless one rides on it and do what it takes to keep it in motion thus like a bicycle with no-one to cycle it, prevention and anxiety in the absence of an action plan cannot get you where you want to go.

One can consider reducing tasks to the next step. How? If you have a pile of papers on your desk, take the first paper of the top pile and start there. To get started, just take the first step. To finish, take the next step, then the next until your task is completed. To prop up this tip, one King said to his servant, “Begin at the beginning, then go until you reach the end. Then stop.”

When one procrastinates, they want to do something but they do not take the action that is in alignment with that thought and they become conflicted within. The easiest thing to do when confronted with such circumstances is to make a decision hence Theodore Roosevelt put it that, “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

Most people occasionally procrastinate but not enough to interfere with functioning at home school or work. However, for some people procrastination becomes a major obstruction to their success in school and to their ability to earn a living. For these people life is fraught with the fear of being fired from work or failing out of school.

Fearing that a task is above one’s ability is something that often annoys adults and children. In my research on this subject i have revealed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a dominant cause of procrastination amongst children where when they are excellent in school work often get more privilege calls like being a prefect, attending various workshops and meetings. Such will result to paying attention to a number of things hence they can quickly fall apart, feel overwhelmed and stop performing well in school work.

To counter ADHD i would recommend that one should focus on aspects or challenges they are able to tackle. Having a horde of errands at your disposal can shift attention on some other important goals one might need to achieve and such breeds confusion, boredom, anxiety, despair to name a few. When one feels this way is one aspect which usually lacks amongst them, a sense of belonging. Why, because when you are working as a team and you discover that at the end of the day you have not archived what others have, you consider yourself a misfit.

A chain of strange activities normally occur when people go through procrastination, if you consider yourself a misfit the next thing you do is isolate yourself from others whom you feel they are better than you hence you cannot associate yourself with them. My advice is that one should make it a point they engage themselves into activities which meet their adequate attention lest they find themselves in such scenarios.

Procrastination thrives on displacement hence you often hear people say, “If i watch a movie instead of working, I don’t even enjoy that movie because what i should be doing is just hanging over me!” When you procrastinate it feels uncomfortable, so the way out is to focus on how you will feel later if you do not do what you need want to do.

 There is a kind of purity to doing what you should that you just never get when you pursue displacement activities. It might sound funny but you will find it worthwhile in the near future, i am talking about signing a
declaration of independence from this “ghost” called procrastination which keeps on haunting you.

Research has it that signing a letter of intent in front of witnesses makes it much more compelling to honor your intent. Write up or print out a letter of intent in the presence of trusted friends or colleagues. Tell them that when you have completed your task on a certain date, you will sign off in front of them. This may sound a little insane, but can be incredibly compelling.

There are numerous special ways of helping yourself overcome troubles, and not all of them will turn up at first glance to be remedial. Doing your own taxes, fixing your own car or even serving yourself at a buffet lunch is all legitimate and useful self-help activities that can make you feel better about yourself.

Twitter handle: @AnoShumba