Saturday, December 17, 2011

What women want from you men?

Given the response to the article What do men Want, its worth it to look at what women want. Perhaps this can do “justice” to women especially since the aspect of equal rights has become a concern of all governments.

What do men Want

Before I start listing down some of these facts one important aspect men should take note is that there are many things we do not realize about women and this is what I found common in almost every women I spoke to.
Women often do not know what they really like in a guy. Women are much more susceptible to their emotions than men and it is the man who understands how to use this knowledge that has the advantage with women.
Allow me to be clear. It is not easy to win the heart of a woman as most men believe. What makes it hard is when guys do things for women that guys would like, but do not create an emotional moment with a woman. They often focus simply on being romantic or charming. While women do love those aspects, those alone are not enough before one answer the below questions:
·         Have you ever found yourself wondering just exactly what women want from men?
·         Do you want to know what women talk about behind men's backs?
If you answered "Yes!" to either of these questions, then you deserve to know what most women have thought must be the best ever Christmas present every men should have for 2011.
Love them: I am well aware that to say this is similar to announcing that the sun revolves around the earth. Most of the times, we have been told that what women most want is professional success and equality. And to the extent that a modern “liberated” woman does admit to wanting a man to love, she will say that she wants a “partner” who is her “equal.” And girls and women have been told that equality means that both sexes are essentially the same and therefore want the same things. Equality and sameness have been made equal. That is why she cannot say — and ideally would not even admit to herself that she wants a man to admire; that would be “sexist” as it would imply.

Respect. Show them through your actions that you respect their opinions, careers, interests, friends, bodies and minds. You do not have to agree with all what they say or do, but try to honor their opinions as valuable contributions. Follow the golden rule and treat them as you would like to be treated. In essence be honest, fair, kind, and considerate.

Romance.  This aspect had numerous views but what I found sticking was what this woman told me, she said: “Just because we're staying in doesn't mean the evening can't be romantic. Light a few candles and see where the night leads. Treat us like your girlfriend, even after we become your wife. Date nights, making out in the car, kissing like when we first started dating all of the things that made us fall in love with you don't have to stop just because now there are bills to pay, a house to be cleaned, and kids that need to get bathed. Bring home flowers for no reason. We're not talking $100 bunch of roses here.  Even the $10 bouquets from the supermarket are enough to make us smile.”

Time. We understand relationships cannot be all wine and roses; simply making the time to be with them and treating them like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy gifts and lovely letters ever could. This includes helping around the house. The realities of a 21st-century relationship are that both partners probably work. If you happen to get home before they do, why not take vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry?  

Dinner. You may not be good at cooking and you may not know how to boil water. But greeting them at the door after a long day with fish sticks (or whatever you can wrestle up) can make them lose consciousness, because it shows that you have been thinking about them and their hectic day. 

Communication. Women are vocal creatures. They know we love them, but it is nice for them to hear us say it, too. So let us know when you think they are hot. Tell them they are beautiful. It helps them feel good and when they feel sexy they are more likely to act sexy. Words of appreciation are not half-bad either. Tell them you love the food they make. Thank them for driving the kids to school. Notice that they cleaned the house and the kitchen. It does not have to be over the top, just let them know that you see the effort they put in, and you are grateful. Above all, one woman said to me, “Ask yourself which love language do you speak?”

Consistency. This does not mean be boring and predictable. It means that they know you will give them the love and support they need. Knowing that you are coming at this with the same desires and energy as they are goes a long way to making them feel secure.

Engagement. You do not have to like everything they like (they might be a little concerned if you do), but showing interest in their passions, be it career-related, a sport or a hobby, goes a long way. Listen when they talk to you. They are not speaking just so they can hear their own voice; they want to connect with you and this is one valuable way they do this. This also means paying attention to the little things. 

Good looking. This aspect does not dwell on someone’s handsome alone; it also touches on things like smartness. Of course most women wouldn’t like dating a guy who is not good looking. One weakness some men have is that they make a sudden shift on the way they handle themselves when  they become rest assured “she is now mine.” This is a dangerous perception taking into account that most women want consistency on such kind of things and one important thing to take note is that you will share the same bad with her and it is advisable you take a shower all the times to avoid her sleeping with her back on you or you rather risk loosing her.

By Shumba Anozivashe

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